PackDraw Terms of Service

Last Updated: 4/17/2024

These "PackDraw Terms of Service," hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Service," are the governing terms between you and PackDraw US, LLC, and constitute a legal contract. Please be advised that PackDraw US LLC, hereinafter referred to as the " Operator," operates the website located at, hereinafter referred to as "PackDraw," and shall henceforth be denoted as "PackDraw," "us," "our," "ours," or any similar pronouns. These terms serve as a legally binding contract that effectively establishes the relationship between yourself, (hereinafter referred to as "you," "your," "yours," etc.), and our organization with regard to the provision of services through the platform known as PackDraw (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").

These Services encompass a wide array of offerings, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, photographs, audio, video, buttons, icons, animations, data, messages, software, and other content, information, or materials available on PackDraw (hereinafter referred to as the "Materials"). Furthermore, it is important to note that any Materials that you, as the user, may choose to post or share on PackDraw (hereinafter referred to as the "Content"), are also encompassed within the scope of this contractual agreement.

The Services encompass the facilitation of depositing credits, hereinafter referred to as "Credits," which can be utilized for the acquisition of virtual packs, hereinafter referred to as "Packs," as well as experience points, hereinafter referred to as "XP." The Packs have the potential to encompass XP or tangible item(s) that possess the capacity to be redeemed, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of ("Item(s)"). At all times, it shall be ensured that the value of the Item(s) and/or XP disclosed within a Pack shall be equivalent to or surpass the monetary consideration paid for said Pack.


Preliminary Statement.

By engaging in the act of visiting, accessing, and/or utilizing any portion of the PackDraw platform, you hereby affirm and attest that: (a) you have attained the age of eighteen (18) years or older, and furthermore, you have reached the age of majority as prescribed by the governing laws of your jurisdiction; (b) you possess the requisite legal capacity to enter into and consent to the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms of Service; (c) you are engaging with the Services of your own volition, without any form of coercion, and solely for your personal gratification; (d) you shall exclusively furnish us with accurate and comprehensive information, and undertake to expeditiously update said information as necessary to ensure its continued accuracy and comprehensiveness. Furthermore, you comprehend and acknowledge that you bear exclusive responsibility for the accurate reporting and timely remittance of any and all taxes that may be levied upon you in accordance with the laws applicable to you, resulting from your utilization of the Services. By virtue of your visitation, access, and/or utilization of any portion of PackDraw, you agree that you have perused and comprehended these Terms of Service, as well as our additional policies, in their entirety and without any form of reservation. The Operator may unilaterally alter, amend, or supplant any and all provisions contained within these Terms of Service, as may be necessary in its discretion. All modifications or changes shall be deemed to be in full force and effect, and shall be enforceable without delay, upon their posting. The revised version shall take precedence over any preceding versions upon its posting, rendering the prior version devoid of any ongoing legal consequences, unless the revised version explicitly references the prior version and maintains its validity, either in its entirety or in part. It is hereby acknowledged and mutually agreed upon that in the event of any modifications or alterations to the present Terms of Service, the aforementioned modifications or alterations shall be duly reflected by an amendment to the "Last Updated" date, prominently displayed at the commencement of these Terms of Service. You hereby acknowledge and consent to the obligation of regularly revisiting this page, and further undertake to utilize the "Refresh" function on your web browser for such purpose. You hereby acknowledge and consent to the notation of the aforementioned date above. If the "Last Updated" date remains unaltered from the previous occasion on which you perused these Terms of Service, it is reasonable to infer that no modifications have been made to these Terms of Service since your last visit. In the event that the "Last Updated" date has undergone modification, it is imperative that you undertake a comprehensive review of the revised Terms of Service. You are hereby advised and notified that it is imperative for you to provide your unequivocal consent and agreement to any and all revised and updated Terms of Service governing the usage and operation of the platform known as PackDraw. Failure to comply with this directive shall result in the immediate cessation and discontinuation of your utilization of the aforementioned PackDraw platform. In the event that you neglect to diligently examine these Terms of Service, as mandated, in order to ascertain any potential modifications, you shall bear full accountability for said omission. Furthermore, you hereby acknowledge and consent that such failure shall be construed as a deliberate relinquishment of your entitlement to peruse the revised terms. It is hereby asserted that PackDraw shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from the alleged failure on your part to exercise due diligence in safeguarding and asserting your legal entitlements.

  1. Registering an Account.

    1. Registration entails the act of officially recording all individuals who are eligible to apply for a singular account on PackDraw, on the condition that they fulfil the criteria outlined in this document and adhere to the terms and conditions stated in these Terms of Service. In the event that you choose to register for multiple accounts on PackDraw, it is within our prerogative to terminate either one or both of said accounts. Consequently, you shall be subject to the forfeiture of all rights, including any associated interests, pertaining to such accounts, as well as any XP or Items that may have been acquired on either one or both of the aforementioned accounts. In order to procure Packs or XP on PackDraw or avail oneself of other remunerative functionalities offered by PackDraw, it is imperative that a valid payment method be furnished. If, in the event of your failure to furnish the requisite information, it is reasonably determined that you have proffered false information. In the event that you fail to provide the necessary information or decline to consent to the present Terms of Service, it is within our prerogative to terminate your account. The acceptance of registration is contingent upon our exclusive discretion. 
    2. Verification of Age and Identity. It is within our prerogative to request evidence of age or identity at any given moment and for any justifiable cause, which may encompass the necessity for you to furnish a duplicate of your officially issued photographic identification or tax identification document. Please be advised that it is imperative to ascertain the numerical value preceding the utilization of any functionality provided by the Services. In the event that you neglect to furnish the requested documentation in a timely manner, it is within our rights to decline or limit your access to PackDraw or any aspect of the Services. This includes the retention of any funds present in your account balance, the refusal of redemptions, exchanges, and other transactions involving Item(s), as well as the refusal to accommodate account closures. While it may be necessary for us to request additional information from you in order to verify the accuracy of your identity and the information you provide to us, it is important for you to comprehend and consent to the fact that we do not endorse or sanction any user or any Materials posted by our users. 
    3. Maintenance. In the event that you furnish us with any information that is false, misleading, inaccurate, incomplete, not current, or otherwise incorrect, or if you neglect to expeditiously update said information to ensure its accuracy and completeness, or if we or any of our duly authorized agents possess reasonable grounds to suspect that a contravention of this stipulation has taken place, we retain the prerogative to suspend or terminate your account and decline any and all present or future utilization of PackDraw. Furthermore, you may be subject to criminal and civil liability as a consequence of such actions. In the event that your account is suspended or terminated, it is imperative to note that your account, and all associated privileges and access shall be subject to such action. The discounts shall be rendered null and void, thereby imposing upon you the responsibility of a-la-carte billing for the provision of the Services. 
    4. Account Sharing. You shall refrain from utilizing, endeavoring to gain entry to, or soliciting the login credentials pertaining to any account held by a third party, at any given juncture. Under no circumstances shall you permit any external entity to gain access to or utilize your account, nor shall you disclose your login credentials to any third party. We hereby assert that we shall not assume any liability for any loss that may be incurred by us due to the actions of any third party who utilizes your password or gains access to your account, whether such actions are conducted with or without your knowledge. You shall bear legal responsibility for any and all financial damages suffered by our organization or any affiliated third party as a direct result of the unauthorized disclosure of account credentials. 
    5. Termination by You. You possess the legal entitlement to terminate your account at your discretion and without limitation by initiating communication with us via The user shall refrain from engaging in any act of assigning, transferring, selling, or sharing their account to PackDraw. In the event that you proceed with such actions, it is imperative to note that both yourself and the individual lacking proper authorization shall bear joint and several liability for any and all fees that may become payable. 
    6. Termination by Us. We retain the authority, at our sole discretion, to suspend or terminate your account or any licenses granted herein, without limitation as to the grounds or rationale, at any given time. It is within our prerogative to exercise the option of terminating your account at any given point in time. However, it is imperative for you to comprehend and acknowledge that in the event of said termination, whether it be with or without justifiable cause, any unsettled financial obligations shall persist and remain outstanding. It is hereby asserted that we, the party in question, shall not bear any responsibility for the preservation of terminated account information, which may, at our sole discretion, be subject to permanent deletion.

  2. Grant of Rights

    1. Materials. You acknowledge and comprehend that the sole offering we are providing to you is the provision of access to PackDraw and the utilization of the Services in the manner that we periodically furnish them. It is incumbent upon you to procure your own means of accessing the Internet, hardware, and software, and it is exclusively your responsibility to bear any and all expenses associated with accessing PackDraw or utilizing the Services. All individuals are granted the right to access specific public domains of PackDraw and utilize the provided Services and Materials contained therein, without incurring any fees or charges. We hereby bestow upon all users a restricted, non-exclusive, non-transferable personal license to gain entry and employ solely those Materials that are furnished within the complimentary sections of PackDraw, strictly for private, non-commercial intentions, and solely on a solitary computer or mobile device. The aforementioned complimentary license does not encompass the authorization to access or utilize any remunerated sections of PackDraw or its associated content. We hereby extend to you a restricted, non-exclusive, non-transferable individual license to gain entry to PackDraw and utilize the Services and the Materials contained therein, subject to the limitations imposed by your supplementary acquisition of specific paid features and upgrades. The present remuneration-based license pertains exclusively to private, non-commercial utilization on a solitary computer or mobile device. It is hereby stated that we retain the prerogative to impose restrictions on the quantity of Materials accessed or Services made accessible to you. The user's license to access PackDraw and utilize the Services and Materials does not constitute a transfer of title. Do not engage in any unauthorized use of the Material. 
    2. Content. We may, at our discretion, grant you permission to submit Content to PackDraw. With the exception of personally identifiable information such as KYC, any Content submitted to PackDraw shall be regarded as non-confidential and non-proprietary. We shall not be held liable for any obligations pertaining to the Content, and we provide no assurances of confidentiality for any said Content. The user bears exclusive responsibility for the Content and the ensuing ramifications arising from the act of posting said Content to PackDraw. Packdraw shall retain exclusive ownership rights in and to the Content. Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that you, the user in question, do hereby confer upon us, the counterparty, an irrevocable, unrestricted, and perpetual license of a global nature, which is nonexclusive in character and devoid of any royalty obligations, thereby granting us the right to sublicense and transfer said license. This license encompasses the utilization, reproduction, dissemination, creation of derivative works, exhibition, and performance of the Content for the purposes of our business operations, as well as the business operations of our successors. Furthermore, this license extends to the promotion and redistribution, in any and all media formats and through any and all media channels, of any portion of PackDraw, including derivative works thereof. The present license shall encompass the entitlement to duplicate and convey the Content to any affiliated, related, or partnered websites of ours, as well as to publish the Content on various pages of PackDraw and PackDraw social media accounts, all at our exclusive discretion. The user hereby grants unrestricted permission to utilize and exploit the aforementioned Content for any and all purposes without limitation. Additionally, you hereby bestow upon every individual user of PackDraw a license that is valid worldwide, nonexclusive, and free from any royalty obligations. This license grants them the right to access, utilize, replicate, exhibit, and execute the Content through PackDraw, as permitted by PackDraw and in accordance with the provisions outlined in these Terms of Service.

  3. Features

    1. Packs. By engaging in the purchasing of Packs, you acknowledge and consent to the potential receipt of the following: (a) XP possessing a fair market value that is equivalent to or surpasses the price of the Pack, (b) Item(s) possessing a fair market value that is equivalent to or surpasses the price of the Pack, or (c) a combination of XP and Item(s) that, when considered collectively, possess a fair market value that is equivalent to or surpasses the price of the Pack. The purchase price of the Pack shall be promptly debited from your Credits. Upon the completion of a pack purchase, a visual animation shall be presented to symbolize and represent the pack purchase. It is important to acknowledge that the pack purchase animation is exclusively intended for illustrative purposes, and the Item(s) depicted therein may not invariably correspond to the Item(s) that you have indeed revealed. The animation may at times not load or display correctly. The representations of Packs in the form of images are solely intended for the purpose of providing visual aids and do not serve as definitive depictions or guarantees of the actual Packs themselves. While we have diligently endeavored to present the Item(s) purportedly contained within Packs with utmost precision, we cannot provide an absolute assurance that the visual representation of said Item(s) on your device accurately corresponds to the actual contents of the Packs. The aforementioned Item(s) and the packaging thereof may exhibit slight variations from the depictions provided in the images. All items that are reasonably and equitably packaged within the Packs are conspicuously presented below the listing of said Packs, which is prominently exhibited on the PackDraw platform. The outcomes of the Pack that you have acquired are not contingent upon the visual representation, but rather are determined by the algorithm that we employ. The aforementioned algorithm is deemed to possess qualities of fairness and verifiability. To obtain further elucidation, kindly peruse our aforementioned Provably Fair page. 
    2. Free Packs. On a daily basis, it is within our purview to potentially provide you with specific complimentary daily benefits, contingent upon your level of engagement. These benefits may encompass the opportunity to access designated complimentary containers, commonly referred to as "Free Packs." By engaging in the acquisition of XP through the means of purchasing or obtaining it as an Item in a Pack, it is within your purview to elevate your level, thereby resulting in an augmentation of the quantity of Free Packs that shall be made available to you on a daily basis. You acknowledge and consent that in the event of your failure to promptly access the Free Packs, you shall not be entitled to any privileges or entitlements linked to the Free Packs, and that your entitlements pertaining to the Free Packs shall be restricted solely to levels that you have not yet achieved. 
    3. XP. The XP feature offered by the platform grants users the opportunity to enhance their status and gain access to an increased number of Free Packs on a daily basis. These Free Packs have the potential to contain superior Item(s) of higher value. XP can be lawfully acquired either through direct acquisition from PackDraw or by means of its inclusion as the substantive content within a Pack. Upon the acquisition of XP, it is imperative to note that your Credits shall be expeditiously deducted in the amount equivalent to the purchase price of the aforementioned XP. Subsequently, the XP shall be duly manifested and accounted for within your designated account. Upon the revelation of XP as an Item within your Pack, it shall duly and accurately be reflected on your account. It is imperative to acknowledge and affirm that you comprehend and consent to the fact that XP, herein referred to as Experience Points, possesses an inherent characteristic of being non-transferable amongst users. Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that said XP holds a tangible value in the real-world, which is equivalent to the price explicitly exhibited on PackDraw, a platform of commerce. 
    4. Cryptocurrency. It may be within our purview to grant you the opportunity to remunerate for the rendered Services through the utilization of one or more digital currencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin, and to effectuate the withdrawal of said digital currency from PackDraw. The acceptance of said payment or withdrawal method is subject to our exclusive discretion and may be of a restricted duration. All payments or withdrawals made in cryptocurrency are inherently irreversible in nature. The decision to grant refunds for cryptocurrency payments rests solely within our discretion. If we choose to provide a refund, we may opt to transfer cryptocurrency or provide an equivalent cash value, as per our discretion. It is important to note that there may be additional administrative fees that could potentially be applicable to cryptocurrency transactions. By engaging in the payment for Services or executing withdrawals using cryptocurrency, you hereby acknowledge and accept that the value of cryptocurrencies is subject to significant volatility and that the utilization of cryptocurrencies carries a substantial risk of financial loss. By engaging in this agreement, you acknowledge and accept the potential hazards associated with the volatility of cryptocurrencies, which may be influenced by external factors beyond our control. These factors include but are not limited to the fluctuating level of public interest in cryptocurrencies, the possibility of regulatory measures being imposed upon cryptocurrencies, as well as the risks associated with hardware, software, or Internet connection complications, the presence of malicious software, unauthorized access, or other communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions, and delays. We hereby assert that we do not undertake the representation, assurance, or warranty of the veracity or impartiality pertaining to the valuation of any cryptocurrency. It is imperative to emphasize that you bear exclusive responsibility for conducting your own autonomous assessment and inquiries regarding the valuation of any transaction conducted on the Services.

  4. Item Redemption.

    1. Redeeming Item(s). PLEASE NOTE: at this time, PackDraw is only arranging for delivery of Items to persons in the United States of America (except for those states where PackDraw is not offered) and Canada. As to residents of other countries, you may exchange the items for a crypto withdrawal.- see Section 3D, herein). In the event that you choose to exercise your option to physically retrieve the aforementioned Item(s) contained within your designated Pack, it is within our prerogative to request specific details pertaining to the selection and transportation of said Item(s). These details may include, but are not limited to, the delivery address, email address, or size specifications. In the event that you neglect to furnish us with comprehensive and precise information, we reserve the right to terminate the redemption process and provide a reimbursement, or alternatively, impose an additional fee of a justifiable amount to indemnify us for any supplementary efforts necessitated as a consequence thereof. It is hereby stated that PackDraw shall not bear any responsibility for any failure or delay in supplying the aforementioned Item(s) or any part thereof, provided that such failure or delay is attributable to your failure to furnish complete and accurate information. 
    2. Delivery and Fees. The aforementioned delivery costs (with the exception of any customs, duties, or associated importation fees, if deemed applicable) shall be presented to you in the manner previously indicated. You acknowledge and consent that you bear full responsibility for all costs associated with the transportation and importation of the aforementioned Item(s). In certain instances, it may be brought to our attention by our third-party service providers as to whether or not you have remunerated the requisite importation fees. In alternative scenarios, it is plausible that your designated postal service personnel may endeavor to impose importation fees upon you. We hereby assert our unequivocal disclaimer of any and all responsibility pertaining to any importation fees, irrespective of whether our third-party service providers have duly apprised us of your payment of said importation fees. In order to circumvent the obligation of remitting importation fees, it is advisable to initiate communication with the support department prior to the act of redeeming the Item(s), so as to ascertain the precise location from which the Item(s) will be dispatched. Upon completion of the payment of any applicable delivery and importation fees, as well as the provision of all requisite information, we shall undertake the expeditious delivery of the aforementioned Item(s) to your person, subject to any unforeseen circumstances or events beyond our control that may result in a delay. The average duration of our delivery time spans from a minimum of three (3) days to a maximum of thirty (30) days. 
    3. Acquisition of Item(s). PackDraw hereby acknowledges and undertakes to exert its utmost endeavors in order to procure, to the best of its ability, any and all items that have been duly redeemed by a user. In the event that any item, for whatever reason, cannot be obtained, it is within our prerogative to exercise the right to terminate the redemption process and provide a refund for the corresponding amount. Kindly be advised that certain items may present challenges in terms of acquisition, owing to their inherent scarcity, distinctiveness, and/or the arduous nature of procurement as encountered by the PackDraw team. 
    4. Delays. In the event that the supply of the aforementioned Item(s) is subject to untimely delays caused by circumstances beyond our control, we shall promptly notify you and undertake necessary measures to mitigate the impact of said delay. In the event that we undertake the aforementioned action, it is imperative to note that we shall not bear any responsibility for any delays that may arise as a result. However, should there exist a significant possibility of encountering substantial delays, we kindly request that you communicate with us to terminate the redemption process and obtain a reimbursement for any Item(s) that you have duly redeemed but have yet to receive. 
    5. Failure to Accept Delivery. In the event that you, the recipient, are not present at the designated location upon the arrival of the aforementioned Item(s), it is imperative that you acknowledge and consent to the possibility of receiving a written communication containing instructions on the appropriate course of action to be taken in order to facilitate the rescheduling of delivery or the retrieval of the aforementioned Item(s) from a nearby storage facility. In the event that you neglect to arrange for the rescheduling of the delivery or the retrieval of the aforementioned Item(s) from the designated local depot, it is within our prerogative to consider providing a refund to you. 
    6. Item(s) Lost in Delivery. In the event that you harbor the belief that your Item(s) have been misplaced during the course of delivery, we kindly request that you direct your correspondence via electronic mail to the following email address: It is possible that we may necessitate substantiation of non-shipment, and it is imperative to note that a refund shall not be granted in the event that you are unable to furnish said proof of non-shipment. 
    7. Damaged or Faulty Item(s). In the event that you have received item(s) that are damaged or faulty, we kindly request that you direct your communication via electronic mail to It may be necessary for you to relinquish possession of the Item(s) prior to becoming eligible for a refund, on the condition that we assume responsibility for the expenses incurred in returning the damaged or defective Item(s) to our possession. In the event that the Item(s) are not received or are found to be free from damage or defects, we shall be precluded from issuing any form of refund to you. 
    8. Refusing Redemption. In certain circumstances, namely when an Item is unavailable or when an error has transpired in the description of the price or the Item(s), it is possible that we will be unable to acknowledge your order and may exercise our right to decline redemption. In the event that any of the following circumstances arise, we reserve the right to provide you with credit equivalent to the value of the Item(s): if there has been a modification to the Item(s); if we have notified you of an error in the description or price of the Item(s); if there is a substantial risk of significant delay in the supply of the Item(s) due to external factors beyond our control; if we temporarily suspend the supply of the Item(s) for technical reasons or in response to changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or if you possess a legal entitlement to terminate the contract due to our actions. In the aforementioned circumstance, it is imperative that you promptly and dutifully return all Item(s) that were previously delivered to your possession. It is important to note that we, as the responsible party, shall assume the financial burden of the delivery cost associated with the return of said Item(s). 
    9. Request for Reimbursement of Item(s). You shall solely be eligible for a reimbursement pursuant to this provision if and only if: (a) you satisfy any of the prerequisites delineated heretofore, (b) you duly surrender all Item(s) for which you seek a refund, and (c) you assume the responsibility of remunerating the expenses incurred in returning said Item(s) to us, unless an alternative arrangement has been mutually agreed upon within the confines of this provision. In all instances, it shall be understood that any reimbursement pertaining to delivery expenses shall be limited to the costs associated with the delivery method of our lowest available price. In the event that the option of delivering the aforementioned Item(s) within a time frame of three to five (3-5) days is extended to you at a specified cost, and you opt instead to have the Item(s) delivered within a period of twenty-four (24) hours at an escalated cost, it is hereby clarified that any refund shall be limited to the amount that would have been incurred had you selected the more economical delivery
      alternative. If you possess the rightful entitlement to a refund for the aforementioned Item(s) as stipulated within this particular section, it is within our exclusive and absolute discretion to address the matter by means of the following options: (a) issuing a refund to you directly, deducting any applicable delivery, storage, and restocking fees from the value of the Item(s), (b) providing you with Credit or cryptocurrency equivalent to the value of the Item(s), after deducting any applicable delivery, storage, and restocking fees, (c) dispatching replacement Item(s) that are similar in nature to you, or (d) dispatching different Item(s) to you, of equal or greater value. 
    10. Refunds for Unused Credits. It is customary that pecuniary reimbursements corresponding to the assessed worth of the aforementioned Item(s) shall not be granted. Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, it is within our exclusive and unequivocal discretion to potentially reimburse you, directly and without limitation, for the monetary equivalent of any Credits that you have procured but have yet to utilize. The user's entitlement to a refund for any Credits acquired through the exchange or return of Item(s) is non-existent.

  5. Financial Transactions

    1. Credits. In the event that you furnish us with accurate and up-to-date payment details, it shall be within your prerogative to make deposits of Credits into your account. These Credits may subsequently be employed for the acquisition of Packs and XP, or for the utilization of various other functionalities offered by PackDraw. The pricing details pertaining to each Pack are conspicuously exhibited on PackDraw at the moment of acquisition. At the time of purchase on PackDraw, the price of XP is conspicuously exhibited. The pricing details pertaining to each alternate product, service, or feature, along with any corresponding charges, are conspicuously exhibited on PackDraw during the moment of acquisition. 
    2. Value of Items. The value of the Item(s) shall be conspicuously displayed within the description of said Item(s) at all times. Therefore, it is important to note that the valuation of the Item(s) obtained by you shall correspond to the value of said Item(s) at the precise moment you endeavor to redeem, exchange, upgrade, or otherwise divest yourself of the Item(s). This valuation shall not be based on the value of the Item(s) at the time of acquisition by you. 
    3. Fees. The undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that PackDraw retains the exclusive prerogative to impose supplementary charges for the utilization of PackDraw or any other characteristic or provision thereof, and to modify its fee framework at its sole discretion. You acknowledge and consent to the fact that the pricing of Packs, the valuation of Item(s), and the assessment of any fees may be subject to daily updates. Upon removal from PackDraw, it is imperative to note that all antecedent prices, value assessments, offers, and discounts become unattainable and inaccessible. You hereby acknowledge and consent to assume full responsibility for the prompt payment of all fees or account charges arising from any fees, charges, purchases, exchanges, or upgrades pertaining to your account, in strict compliance with both our designated billing policy and that of our duly authorized third-party billing agent. It is duly noted that you acknowledge the presence of a charge on your banking statement pertaining to the provision of our Services. Said charge may manifest itself under our company name, one of our brand names, or the name of our designated third-party billing agent. You acknowledge and consent that you bear full responsibility for any and all charges or sanctions that may be linked to your account. In the event that your account remains unpaid in its entirety beyond the designated payment due date, it shall be considered delinquent. The card issuer agreement, as it pertains to your rights and liabilities as a cardholder, may potentially include supplementary terms. You hereby acknowledge and consent to the obligation of promptly remitting all outstanding sums upon the occurrence of account cancellation or termination. 
    4. Third-Party Payment Processing. We employ a range of third-party payment processors and gateways, and we retain the prerogative to engage with further third-party payment processors and gateways at our own discretion for the purpose of handling all payments related to PackDraw. The aforementioned third parties may, at their discretion, enforce supplementary terms and conditions pertaining to the processing of payments. It is incumbent upon you to adhere to the aforementioned terms. We hereby assert that we shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from your breach of said terms. 
    5. Changes to Your Billing Information. It is imperative that you expeditiously notify our third-party billing agent of any and all modifications, encompassing alterations to your residential location and modifications to the credit card employed for billing or payment purposes in relation to your utilization of PackDraw, if applicable. The user shall bear full responsibility for any credit card charge backs, dishonored checks, and any associated fees that may be incurred by PackDraw. in relation to the user's account, in addition to any further fees or penalties imposed by our third-party billing agent. 
    6. Chargebacks. In the event that a purchase is made on the platform known as PackDraw, which subsequently leads to a chargeback, it is within our purview to exercise our right to terminate your account. 
    7. Modifications to Our Billing Procedures. We hereby assert our prerogative to effectuate alterations, at any given moment, to our remuneration structure and invoicing protocols, encompassing the inclusion of administrative or supplementary levies for any aspect, irrespective of whether prior notification has been extended to your person. 
    8. Refunds. You acknowledge and consent to the fact that our established practice dictates that all transactions, encompassing the acquisition of Packs and XP, are deemed irrevocable and non-reimbursable. Furthermore, it is imperative to note that the return or exchange of any XP that has been revealed in your Pack is strictly prohibited. It is hereby stipulated that we retain the prerogative to exercise our exclusive discretion in handling all refund inquiries. 
    9. Billing Errors. In the event that you hold the belief that you have been inaccurately invoiced for any actions pertaining to your account, it is imperative that you expeditiously inform our designated third-party billing agent of said alleged error. In the event that you fail to rectify said billing error within a period of thirty (30) days subsequent to its initial manifestation on any account statement, it shall be construed that you have accepted the aforementioned fee in question in its entirety, thereby encompassing all intents and purposes, inclusive of the resolution of inquiries conducted by or on behalf of your banking institution. By failing to report any error or discrepancy within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the bill being rendered to you, you absolve us of any liabilities and claims of loss. The present terms shall serve as a supplementary and additional provision to any terms that may be mandated by third-party billing entities with whom we have engaged to render billing services. It is incumbent upon you to undertake the diligent examination and adherence to the aforementioned entity's terms, in conjunction with the provisions delineated within these Terms of Service. 
    10. Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards. It is imperative to emphasize our unwavering commitment to addressing instances of credit card fraud with utmost gravity and diligence. In the event that it is discovered that you have utilized a credit card that has been unlawfully obtained or obtained through fraudulent means, it is imperative to inform you that the appropriate law enforcement agencies shall be duly notified and your account shall be terminated. 
    11. Withdrawals. You understand and agree that you must utilize the full amount of any Credits deposited with PackDraw before you may withdraw Credits from PackDraw.

  6. Prohibited Uses.

    You are required to use PackDraw, its Services, and the Materials only for purposes explicitly permitted and outlined in these Terms of Service. Any other use of PackDraw, its Services, or the Materials without our prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Specifically, you are not allowed to: 
  7. Law Enforcement

    We shall dutifully adhere to any requests or directives from said authorities or courts, which pertain to the revelation of the identity or whereabouts of any user found to be in violation of these Terms of Service. This cooperation shall be carried out in strict accordance with our meticulously crafted privacy policies, subpoena compliance policies, and all pertinent laws and regulations. In the event that your engagement in any activity leads to the issuance of a subpoena, discovery request, production order, or court order against PackDraw, thereby necessitating the expenditure of funds, court-related expenses, or legal fees for the purpose of complying with said order, you hereby consent to promptly reimburse PackDraw for any such expenses, costs, or legal fees upon our duly made request.

  8. Affiliates

    1. Affiliate Program. It is within your purview to engage in our esteemed Affiliate program ("Program") and duly receive remuneration ("Commissions") in accordance with the prevailing rates ("Rates") as explicitly displayed on the Affiliate Dashboard. Such compensation shall be granted for each user who, by virtue of your distinctive referral code ("Referral Code"), successfully completes unboxing one Pack. We hereby acknowledge and affirm our commitment to granting you the privilege of accessing and becoming a member of the Program, as well as the entitlement to market, advertise, and promote PackDraw through the utilization of the Referral Code, all in strict accordance with the provisions set forth in these Terms of Service. This license, being revocable at will, may be revoked without the necessity of prior notice. The utilization of the Referral Code is limited solely to the promotion of PackDraw. The utilization of the Referral Code would constitute a contravention of any provision delineated within these Terms of Service. The termination of your account, cancellation or termination of your account, or withdrawal from the Program or PackDraw shall result in the automatic termination of your license to use the Referral Code, thereby causing all rights to revert back to us. 
    2. Affiliate Website and Referral Content. The user is hereby granted permission to display the Referral Code on their personal affiliate website ("Affiliate Website") and to advertise the Affiliate Website through content published on third-party websites ("Referral Content"). Notwithstanding, it is imperative that you refrain from directly disseminating the Referral Code on any external online platform that is not under your ownership or control, including but not limited to third-party websites and social media platforms. It is imperative that you refrain from including any references to the Referral Code or PackDraw in any form of paid advertising. However, it is permissible to include a link to the Affiliate Website in paid advertising, under the condition that said paid advertising campaigns adhere to the following guidelines: (a) abstain from bidding on PackDraw trademarks or any variations thereof that may be misspelled, (b) abstain from utilizing PackDraw trademarks, URLs, or any variations thereof, and (c) ensure that the PackDraw trademarks are added to the phrase match negative keywords list for the paid advertising campaign. We hereby assert our prerogative to demand the following actions: (a) the elimination of the Referral Code from the Affiliate Website, (b) the eradication of any Referral Content on third-party websites, and (c) the obliteration of any remunerated promotional material for the Affiliate Site that fails to adhere to the stipulations set forth in these Terms of Service. You hereby acknowledge and affirm your agreement to diligently adhere to and fulfill any and all requests made in accordance with the aforementioned terms and conditions.

      The entirety of the responsibility for the Affiliate Website and all Referral Content shall rest solely upon your shoulders. In the event that you harbor any uncertainty regarding the conformity of the Affiliate Website or any Referral Content with the stipulations set forth in these Terms of Service, we kindly request that you reach out to us prior to disseminating the Referral Code on the Affiliate Website or sharing any Referral Content on external online platforms.

      You hereby affirm and assert that you possess lawful ownership or control over the Affiliate Website and possess the requisite authority to publish the Referral Content on any and all third-party websites where you choose to disseminate said Referral Content. You hereby affirm and guarantee that you possess exclusive ownership of all requisite rights, title, and interest pertaining to any materials employed on the Affiliate Website or within the Referral Content. Furthermore, you assert that said materials are devoid of any claims made by third parties and do not encroach upon or contravene any intellectual property rights, publicity rights, or any other applicable law, rule, or regulation. We hereby declare that we shall not be held accountable for any responsibilities pertaining to the materials that are accessible on or through the Affiliate Website or any Referral Content. This includes the absence of any obligation to examine or supervise said materials. By participating in the Program, you hereby acknowledge and consent to assume full responsibility for any and all claims, charges, debts, allegations, or lawsuits that may arise as a direct result of your involvement. It is your solemn duty to indemnify and hold us harmless from any and all liabilities or legal actions stemming from your participation in said Program.

    3. Prohibited Uses of the Program. You must comply with the following rules and restrictions as part of the Program. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may lead to the refusal or termination of your participation in the Program, solely at our discretion: 
    4. In case of termination of the Sponsorship agreement before its expiration date, you are not eligible for future Commissions. In case of a paid partnership, if the agreement ends before the expiration date or after the termination date, you are not eligible for any future Commissions.
      Do not attempt or assist in any of the prohibited acts described. In the event that there is a suspected violation of any provision contained within these Terms of Service, it is imperative to note that such circumstances may lead to the termination of your participation in the Program. Moreover, it is crucial to acknowledge that any past or future Commissions, regardless of whether they have been earned or remain unearned, may be subject to forfeiture as a consequence of said violation. In the event that, at our absolute discretion, you have contravened any of the stipulations outlined within these Terms of Service, you shall relinquish any and all funds that would otherwise be owed to you. Furthermore, we shall wholeheartedly collaborate with law enforcement authorities in their inquiry into your actions, and you hereby acknowledge and consent to assuming liability for any financial harm suffered by us as a result of addressing said violation. Additionally, in the event that you breach any provision relating to URLs or the Referral Content, you are hereby obligated to promptly transfer the aforementioned offending URL(s) to our possession or expeditiously remove the Referral Content upon our request, all at your own cost and expense. 
    5. Affiliate Exclusivity. By engaging in the aforementioned Program, you are hereby prohibited from engaging in any form of participation in the affiliate or promotion program of or rendering any "influencer" or internet marketing services to, any other entity involved in the Pack, regardless of whether said entity's services are tangible or digital in nature. In the event that you breach the aforementioned exclusivity provision, it is within our prerogative to impose an account suspension and adjust your affiliate percentage to a null and void rate of zero (0%) percent. Any requests for remedying this breach should be directed to, and shall be subject to our exclusive discretion in handling such matters. 
    6. FTC Compliance. In order to ensure full compliance with the regulations set forth by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), it is imperative that all parties involved understand and agree that all forms of deceptive or unfair advertising are strictly prohibited under the applicable laws and regulations. In the event that you possess any doubts or uncertainties regarding the prerequisites stipulated by any pertinent advertising or trade practices legislation, it is incumbent upon you to acknowledge that seeking legal counsel prior to undertaking any promotional activities is imperative. For further elucidation on the subject matter of deceptive trade practices within the jurisdiction of the United States, please direct your attention to the following authoritative source: You hereby acknowledge and affirm your unequivocal commitment to wholeheartedly adhere to the statutes and regulations of the United States Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"), in the event that you engage in commercial activities within the jurisdiction of the United States or conduct business transactions with customers based in the United States. Furthermore, you undertake to diligently observe and abide by any and all associated rules, policies, and advisory opinions promulgated by the FTC. Commissions shall not be remunerated for transactions that contravene the aforementioned regulations, and may be withheld in the event that such behavior is suspected. 
    7. Commissions. You acknowledge and consent that Commissions and Rates may be modified at our discretion, without prior notice, and without incurring any penalty on our part. It is to be duly noted and acknowledged that you comprehend and consent to the fact that Rates may be structured in tiers, and it is explicitly stated that you shall not be entitled to receive any Commissions for Rates exceeding the specific tier that you have successfully attained. Any modifications to our Rates shall exclusively be applicable to Commissions generated subsequent to the dissemination of said modification. You hereby acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to regularly and diligently review the Rates on the Affiliates section of PackDraw. Furthermore, your ongoing participation in the Program shall serve as clear
      and unequivocal evidence of your consent to any modifications or alterations made to the Rates. You hereby acknowledge and consent to the fact that, at our absolute discretion, we reserve the right to decline or retain payment of Commissions and to terminate your account in the Program in light of any questionable conduct, which may include an abnormally high number of chargebacks. In the unfortunate circumstance that these Terms of Service are terminated due to justifiable cause, it is imperative to note that all entitlements to Commissions shall be relinquished, and you shall be indefinitely barred from engaging in any activities associated with the Program. If so requested, you shall furnish us with a Social Security number, Employer Identification Number, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of an IRS form 1099. In the event that you fail to furnish us with the aforementioned information, it is imperative to note that such failure may lead to the termination of your account. 
    8. Limitation of Liability Under no circumstances shall either party bear liability towards the other for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of data, loss of business, or any other form of loss arising from or as a result of your involvement in the Program, regardless of whether the other party has been informed of the potential occurrence of such damages. The aforementioned provisions shall be applicable irrespective of the absence of negligence or any other fault on the part of either party, and irrespective of whether such liability arises from a contractual, negligent, tortious, or any other legal basis. Pursuant to the aforementioned limitations of liability, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that in the event we are deemed liable to you for any damages, the aggregate sum of liquidated damages for all claims, without exception, shall not surpass the amount of one hundred dollars (U.S. $100.00). Furthermore, by continuing to utilize PackDraw's Services, you hereby acknowledge and affirm the existence and applicability of this limited liability claim.

  9. Dispute Resolution and Damages

    For any dispute not subject to arbitration (such as if you reside in a jurisdiction that does not permit mandatory arbitration, or as specified herein, arbitration does not apply (such as permitted small claims court actions or matters exempted from arbitration), you and PackDraw agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of and venue in the federal and state courts located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. You further agree to accept service of process by mail, and hereby waive any and all jurisdictional and venue defenses otherwise available.
    The Terms and the relationship between you and PackDraw shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida without regard to conflict of law provisions.

    2. First, many issues can be resolved quickly and amicably by contacting our customer support at 
    3. Informal Resolution –Try to Work It Out. If You have an issue that our customer support cannot resolve, prior to starting arbitration You and PackDraw agree to attempt to resolve the dispute informally. You and PackDraw agree to make a good-faith effort to negotiate Your dispute for at least 30 days (“Informal Resolution”). Those informal negotiations will start on the day PackDraw receives a written Dispute Notice in accordance with these Terms. 
      1. You must send your Dispute Notice to: PackDraw Legal Department, ATTN: DISPUTE NOTICE, You must include your name, any Username you use, address, how to contact You, and the issue or problem You are experiencing. 
      2. If the dispute is not resolved within by Informal Resolution or small-claims court (below), You or PackDraw may start an arbitration in accordance with these Terms. 
      3. Small Claims Court:
        Following Informal Resolution, You and PackDraw agree that either You or PackDraw may bring a case in small-claims court (if the matter meets the requirements of small-claims court). 
      4. Binding Individual Arbitration:
      5. You and PackDraw agree that Disputes will be settled by binding individual arbitration conducted by the Judicial Arbitration Mediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”) subject to the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act and federal arbitration law and according to the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures effective July 1, 2014 (the “JAMS Rules”) as modified by these Terms of Service. The JAMS Rules, including instructions for bringing arbitration, are available on the JAMS website at The Minimum Standards are available at 
      6. This means that you and PackDraw agree to a dispute-resolution process where either you or PackDraw submit any dispute to a neutral arbitrator (not a judge or jury) that makes the final decision to resolve the dispute. 
      7. The arbitrator’s decision is final and can enforced like any other court order or judgment. 
      8. Disputes We Agree to Arbitrate: You and PackDraw agree to submit all Disputes between you and PackDraw (except those specifically exempted below) to individual binding arbitration. “Dispute” means any dispute, claim, or controversy (except those specifically exempted below) between you and PackDraw that relates to your use or attempted use of PackDraw’s products or services and PackDraw’s products and services generally, including without limitation the validity, enforceability, or scope of this Binding Individual Arbitration section. 
      9. You and PackDraw agree to arbitrate all Disputes regardless of whether the Dispute is based in contract, statute, regulation, ordinance, tort (including fraud, misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, or negligence), or any other legal or equitable theory. 
      10. The Informal Resolution and Arbitration sections do not apply to (1) individual actions in small-claims court; (2) an action to compel or uphold any prior arbitration decision; (3) PackDraw’s right to seek injunctive relief against you in a court of law to preserve the status quo while an arbitration proceeds; and (4) claims of intellectual-property infringement. 
      11. You and PackDraw agree that whether a dispute is subject to arbitration under these Terms of Service will be determined by the arbitrator rather than a court. 
      12. Arbitration Procedure: To start an arbitration, review the JAMS Rules and follow the instructions for initiating an arbitration on the JAMS website. The party starting an arbitration must send JAMS a “Demand for Arbitration” (available on its website), pay a filing fee, and mail a copy of the Demand for Arbitration to the opposing party. You will send a copy to PackDraw Legal Department, ATTN: ARBITRATION OF DISPUTE, PackDraw will send our copy to your registered email address and any billing address you have provided us. 
      13. The arbitration will be conducted by a single JAMS arbitrator selected with substantial experience. You and PackDraw both agree that the arbitration will be conducted in the English language and that the arbitrator will be bound by these Terms of Service. 
      14. If an in-person hearing is required, the hearing will take place either in Miami-Dade County, Florida, or where you reside; you choose. Florida law will apply. without regard to conflict of law provisions. 
      15. The arbitrator (not a judge or jury) will resolve the Dispute. 
      16. The arbitrator may not award relief against PackDraw respecting any person other than you. 
      17. Any decision or award may be enforced as a final judgment by any court of competent jurisdiction. 
      18. Arbitration Fees and Location: 
      19. If you start the arbitration, you must pay the JAMS filing fee required for consumer arbitrations. 
      20. If you choose to be represented by an attorney, you will pay your own attorneys’ fees and costs unless the applicable law provides otherwise. 
      21. Notice and Filing: If a Dispute must be arbitrated, you or PackDraw must start arbitration of the Dispute within two (2) years from when the Dispute first arose. If applicable law requires you to bring a claim for a Dispute sooner than two years after the Dispute first arose, you must start arbitration in that earlier time period. The failure to provide timely notice shall bar all claims. 
      22. Continuation in Effect: This Binding Individual Arbitration section survives any termination of these Terms of Service or PackDraw’s provision of services to you. 
      23. Class Action Waiver: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you and PackDraw agree to only bring Disputes in an individual capacity and shall not: (a) seek to bring, join, or participate in any class or representative action, collective or class-wide arbitration, or any other action where another individual or entity acts in a representative capacity (e.g., private attorney general actions); or (b) consolidate or combine individual proceedings or permit an arbitrator to do so without the express consent of all parties to these Terms and all other actions or arbitrations. 
      24. Severability: If all or any provision of this Binding Individual Arbitration agreement is found invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, then you and PackDraw agree that the provision will be severed and the rest of these Terms of Service shall remain in effect and be construed as if any severed provision had not been included. The sole exception is that if the Class Action Waiver is found invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, you and PackDraw agree that it will not be severable; this entire Binding Individual Arbitration section will be void and unenforceable and any dispute will be resolved in court subject to the venue and choice of clauses specified in these Terms. Under no circumstances shall arbitration be conducted on a class basis without PackDraw’s express consent. 
      25. Opt-Out: 30-Day Right to Opt Out. You have the right to opt-out and not be bound by the arbitration and class action waiver provisions set forth above by sending written notice, signed by you, of your decision to opt-out to the following address: [, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out]. The notice must be sent within 30 days of your first use of the Service, whichever is later, otherwise you shall be bound to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of those paragraphs. If you opt-out of these arbitration provisions, PackDraw also will not be bound by them.

  10. Disclaimers

    1. We Disclaim All Warranties. We hereby stipulate that our provision of access to PackDraw and utilization of the Services is presented in its current state, without any alterations or improvements. We explicitly disclaim any guarantee or assurance that PackDraw or the Services will satisfy your specific needs or prerequisites. We hereby assert that we renounce any and all warranties, whether explicitly stated, mandated by law, or implied, encompassing warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, diligent effort, quality, suitability, veracity, utility, performance, accuracy, entirety, dependability, security, title, exclusivity, peaceful enjoyment, non-infringement, as well as warranties pertaining to the uninterrupted, punctual, secure, error-free access to PackDraw or utilization of the Services, and warranties guaranteeing the prevention of content loss, to the utmost extent permitted by the relevant legislation. We reserve the right to modify or alter any information present on PackDraw at our discretion, as well as to remove any or all materials available on the platform. We hereby assert that there exists no obligation on our part to provide updates to the Materials. PackDraw hereby disclaims any and all warranties with respect to any goods or services acquired or obtained through their platform, as well as any transactions entered into via said platform. There shall be no warranties, of any nature whatsoever, that surpass the explicit provisions contained within these Terms of Service, nor shall any warranties arise by virtue of performance, customary business practices, or trade usage. 
    2. Use at Your Own Risk. By accessing PackDraw and utilizing the Services, you explicitly acknowledge and consent to the fact that such access and utilization is undertaken entirely and exclusively at your own risk. You acknowledge and comprehend that it is within your understanding that we are unable to provide any guarantee or warranty, explicitly or implicitly, that PackDraw or the Services shall be devoid of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or any other form of code that may exhibit contaminating or destructive properties. It is hereby stated that we shall not assume any responsibility or assume any risk in relation to your access or utilization of the Internet, PackDraw, or the Services. You acknowledge and consent that any Materials acquired or otherwise procured through PackDraw shall be undertaken at your own discretion and risk, and that you shall bear exclusive responsibility for any harm to your computer system or loss of data arising from your engagement. 
    3. Third-Party Links PackDraw has the potential to include hyperlinks directing users to external websites operated by third parties. The aforementioned links are hereby furnished solely for the purpose of providing you with informational content. The aforementioned links should not be construed as an endorsement by our party of the linked websites or any information that may be obtained from them. We hereby assert that we possess no authority or dominion over the substance contained within external websites, and we hereby disclaim any and all liability for said websites or any potential detriment or harm that may ensue from their utilization. The undersigned hereby asserts and affirms the prerogative to unilaterally terminate any hyperlink in perpetuity, without limitation as to timing or circumstance. 
    4. No Responsibility for User-Generated Materials. PackDraw has the potential to incorporate Materials that have been uploaded by our esteemed users, which may encompass various forms of content. It is hereby stated unequivocally that we explicitly absolve ourselves of any and all responsibility for any content generated by users within the Materials. You acknowledge and comprehend that the Materials are predominantly disseminated by users, and it is duly noted that we do not provide any explicit or implicit endorsement of the viewpoints expressed in any user-generated content within the Materials. Therefore, it is imperative that you comprehend the fact that you may potentially encounter Materials originating from diverse sources, and it is crucial to acknowledge that we bear no responsibility for the veracity, utility, security, or intellectual property rights pertaining to said Materials. You hereby acknowledge and comprehend that there exists a possibility of encountering Materials that may be deemed inaccurate, offensive, illegal, indecent, obscene, or objectionable in nature. Consequently, you willingly relinquish any and all rights or remedies that you currently possess or may potentially possess against us in relation to said exposure. It is hereby asserted that we bear no obligation to engage in pre-screening, reviewing, or preemptively monitoring of the Materials. Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, it is hereby stated that we retain the prerogative to decline publication, delete, or obstruct the Materials, or any part thereof, or to revoke a user's access for uploading Materials that contravene these Terms of Use, at our sole discretion, without any obligation to provide advance notification. In the event that we elect to engage in monitoring activities pertaining to PackDraw, it is imperative to acknowledge the following: (a) we shall assume no responsibility for the content of the Materials, (b) we shall not be under any obligation to alter or remove any Materials that may be deemed inappropriate, and (c) we shall bear no responsibility for the actions or behavior of the user who has submitted said Materials. To initiate the filing of an abuse complaint pertaining to Materials uploaded by fellow users, it is imperative that you establish communication with us via the following email address: 
    5. Violations of Law The act of accessing PackDraw and utilizing its Services in contravention of any legal statute is categorically forbidden. In the event that it is ascertained that you have furnished or have the intention to procure or furnish any services in contravention of any legal statutes, your capacity to access PackDraw and avail yourself of the Services shall be promptly and unequivocally terminated. We hereby issue a formal disclaimer absolving ourselves of any and all liability for any damages that may arise as a result of your actions or the actions of any user, in the event that said actions involve the provision of services that contravene any applicable laws. By entering into this agreement, you hereby acknowledge and consent to assume the responsibility of defending, indemnifying, and holding us completely harmless from any and all liability that may arise as a direct result of your violation of any applicable laws. You further concur to undertake the duty of defending and in the event that any third party sustains harm as a result of your unlawful actions, or if we are compelled to undertake the defense of any such claims made by any party, kindly ensure that you indemnify us accordingly.

  11. Indemnification

    You hereby consent to assume the responsibility of defending, indemnifying, and holding PackDraw, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, independent contractors, telecommunication providers, and agents, harmless from any and all claims, actions, loss, liabilities, expenses, costs, or demands, including but not limited to legal and accounting fees, arising directly, indirectly, or consequentially from your actions or the actions of another person under your authority. This includes, but is not limited to, claims made by governmental agencies, as well as any damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use PackDraw or the Materials, or any violation of these Terms of Service by you or another person under your authority. We hereby undertake to expeditiously apprise you via electronic mail of any such claim or legal action, and we reserve the right to wholeheartedly collaborate (with all costs to be borne by you) in the defense of said claim or legal action. We hereby assert our prerogative to engage in the defense of said claim or lawsuit at our sole cost and discretion, and to retain our preferred legal representation; notwithstanding, we bear no compulsion to undertake such actions.

  12. Limitation of Liability

    You hereby acknowledge and agree that we shall not assume any liability towards you with respect to user-generated Materials or the offensive or illegal conduct of any individual. You acknowledge and comprehend that the sole responsibility for any potential harm or damage resulting from this matter lies entirely upon you, and you explicitly absolve us from any legal responsibility or liability arising from user-generated materials or the actions of any individual. You hereby discharge, acquit, and otherwise release us, the aforementioned entities, including the parent company, agents, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, attorneys, and affiliates, hereby seek to absolve themselves from any and all allegations, counts, charges, debts, causes of action, and claims that may arise in connection with the utilization of, or activities pertaining to the utilization of PackDraw. This includes, but is not limited to, claims pertaining to the following: Negligence, gross negligence, reckless conduct, alienation of affections (to the extent recognized in any jurisdiction), intentional infliction of emotional distress, intentional interference with contract or advantageous business relationship, defamation, privacy, publicity, intellectual property infringement, misrepresentation, infectious disease, revenge porn law violations, any financial loss not due to the fault of PackDraw, missed meetings, unmet expectations, false identities, fraudulent acts by others, invasion of privacy, release of personal information, failed transactions, purchases or functionality of PackDraw, unavailability of PackDraw, its functions and any other technical failure that may result in inaccessibility of PackDraw, or any claim based on vicarious liability for torts committed by individuals met on or through PackDraw, including fraud, theft or misuse of personal information, assault, battery, stalking, harassment, cyber- bullying, theft, cheating, perjury or any other civil or criminal activity. The aforementioned enumeration is intended solely for illustrative purposes and should not be construed as an exhaustive compilation of the various types or classifications of claims that you have released. The parties hereby express their intention for this release to be construed in a manner that favours PackDraw to the fullest extent possible. Consequently, any ambiguity arising from this release shall be construed in a manner that grants the broadest possible release of claims. This release is hereby intended to serve as a comprehensive and complete relinquishment of all claims, and it is duly recognized by the involved parties that this provision holds legal validity and encompasses the relinquishment of significant rights in connection therewith. We hereby assertively disavow any and all liability or responsibility towards you in relation to any of the ensuing matters: Any and all losses or damages, regardless of nature, that may be suffered as a result of the Materials, including but not limited to errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies contained within the Materials, or any Materials that may be infringing, obscene, indecent, threatening, offensive, defamatory, invasive of privacy, or otherwise illegal in nature. Any personal injury or property damage, regardless of its nature, that may arise as a consequence of your access to and utilization of PackDraw. Any unauthorized access or alterations to your account, transmissions, data, or Content by a third party occur, it is important to note that such actions are not authorized and may be subject to legal consequences. Any potential interruption or discontinuation of transmission to or from PackDraw, as well as any delays or failures that you may encounter when initiating, conducting, or finalizing any transmissions or transactions with PackDraw. Any bugs, viruses, malware, Trojan horses, or similar malicious software that may potentially be transmitted to or through PackDraw by any third party. Any potential incompatibility that may arise between PackDraw and any of your other services, hardware, or software. Any claims that may arise as a result of the identification of your person based on the content you provide, irrespective of whether you make use of any tool or feature provided by PackDraw to designate certain content as private or to block, restrict, or otherwise limit access to your content in specific geographical areas.

  13. Intellectual Property

    1. Trademarks. PackDraw, herein referred to as the "Brand," is the proprietary brand name and registered trademark owned by the undersigned party. We vehemently and resolutely advocate for the protection and preservation of our intellectual property rights. The aforementioned product and service names of other manufacturers that are mentioned herein may potentially be recognized as trademarks and service marks belonging to their respective companies. These trademarks and service marks are the sole and exclusive property of their respective owners, and any public usage of them without the explicit written consent of the owners or holders of said trademarks and service marks is strictly prohibited. The utilization of any marks, logos, domains, and trademarks discovered on PackDraw is strictly prohibited for public use, unless explicit written consent is obtained from our organization. Furthermore, such utilization must not be conducted in a manner that is likely to result in confusion among consumers or in a manner that defames or undermines the reputation of PackDraw. 
    2. Copyrights. With the exception of Materials contributed by our esteemed users, such as those found within the confines of the chatroom, it is imperative to acknowledge that the Materials in question are unequivocally regarded as our exclusive proprietary information, embodying invaluable intellectual property. We hereby assert and maintain exclusive ownership, legal rights, and vested interests in the aforementioned Materials. PackDraw, the aforementioned Materials, and our proprietary software are duly safeguarded and afforded the protection granted under the purview of copyright law. The aforementioned Materials shall not be subject to copying, distribution, republication, modification, uploading, posting, or transmission in any manner without obtaining our express written consent in advance. Under no circumstances shall you engage in the removal or modification, or instigate the removal or modification, of any copyright, trademark, trade name, service mark, or any other proprietary notice or legend that is visibly present on any of the Materials. Any modification or utilization of the Materials, unless explicitly permitted in these Terms of Service, constitutes a violation of our intellectual property rights. 
    3. Notification of Copyright Infringement. We hereby affirm our utmost regard for the intellectual property rights of all parties involved and hereby declare our unwavering commitment to adhere to the provisions set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). PackDraw may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who infringe the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your copyright or the copyright of a person on whose behalf you are authorized to act has been infringed, please provide PackDraw’s Copyright Agent a written Notice containing the following information: 
  14. General

    1. Entire Agreement The present communication serves as a formal declaration of the entire agreement between the parties involved. The present Terms of Service, along with any other legally binding notices or agreements made available by us on the PackDraw platform, collectively constitute the comprehensive agreement governing the relationship between you, as a user, and us, pertaining to your utilization of PackDraw. The present provision shall prevail over any preceding terms, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral, that have been entered into between yourself and our party with respect to the utilization of PackDraw. A duly printed rendition of the Terms of Service, as well as any notice provided in electronic format, shall be deemed admissible in any legal proceedings arising from or pertaining to these aforementioned terms. The present rendition of the Terms of Service shall be employed with equal evidentiary weight and shall be subject to the same stipulations as any other business documents and records that were initially produced and preserved in physical printed format. 
    2. Policies of Our Service Providers. You acknowledge and consent to the utilization of specific third-party service providers by us for the purpose of providing the aforementioned Services to you. You acknowledge and consent that it is incumbent upon you to acknowledge and adhere to any and all user terms, privacy policies, or other policies that may be mandated by said third party as a prerequisite for availing oneself of their services. In the event of a conflict between the aforementioned policies and our own policies, it is hereby declared that the terms of our policies shall prevail and govern. 
    3. Assignment and Delegation. The assignment of rights or delegation of performance under these Terms of Service may be conducted without providing notice to you. You shall not, under any circumstances, assign, delegate, or sublicense any of your rights or duties without obtaining our express written consent in advance. Any purported assignment or delegation in contravention of this provision shall be deemed null and void. 
    4. Severability. In the event that any provision contained within these Terms of Service is deemed to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, it is hereby stipulated that the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect, provided that the fundamental terms governing the rights and obligations of each party remain valid, binding, and capable of being enforced. 
    5. Cumulative Remedies The remedies outlined in these Terms of Service are cumulative in nature and not exclusive. This means that the exercise of any particular right or remedy by one party does not prevent that party from asserting any other rights or seeking additional remedies available under the law, equity, statute, any other agreement between the parties, or any other means. 
    6. Successors and Assigns. The provisions stated herein, pertaining to the Terms of Service outside the European Union, shall be applicable and enforceable for the parties involved, as well as their respective successors and assigns. 
    7. Force Majeure. PackDraw shall not be held liable for any failure to fulfil its obligations due to unforeseen circumstances or causes that are beyond our reasonable control. These circumstances include, but are not limited to: Acts of God, such as fire, flood, earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, or other natural disasters; epidemics, pandemics; war, riot, arson, embargoes, acts of civil or military authority, or terrorism; fiber cuts; strikes, or shortages in transportation, facilities, fuel, energy, labour, or materials; failure of the telecommunications or information services infrastructure; hacking, spam, data breach, malware, or any failure of a computer, server, network, or software for as long as the event continues to impede our ability to perform; and unlawful acts committed by our employees, agents, or contractors. 
    8. Notices. Pursuant to the provisions set forth in these Terms of Service, it is hereby stated that any notice that we are obligated to provide shall be duly delivered through the following means: firstly, by electronic mail to a valid and operational email address belonging to the party intended to receive such notice; secondly, by means of a publicly accessible announcement on the PackDraw platform; or thirdly, by way of personal delivery facilitated by a reputable commercial carrier. Notices from customers to our firm shall be duly provided by means of contacting us through the designated contact button on PackDraw, unless explicitly stipulated otherwise within the confines of these Terms of Service. Pursuant to the provisions outlined in these Terms of Service, it is hereby stipulated that either party shall have the right to modify the designated address for the purpose of receiving notices, provided such address is accurate for reaching the designated recipient and complete. Such modification shall be effected through the delivery of a written notice to the other party. Notices shall be deemed legally effective and binding upon the recipient upon successful delivery. Notices that have been duly dispatched via an expeditious courier service shall be deemed to have been effectively delivered on the subsequent business day subsequent to the date of dispatch. Notices delivered by any means other than the aforementioned shall be considered as having been duly given upon actual receipt. Either party, hereinafter referred to as "Party," shall have the right, at their sole discretion, to modify the designated address, email address, or recipient for any notice, as stipulated herein, by providing the other Party, hereinafter referred to as the "Other Party," with suitable written notice. Any notice that is properly addressed, yet subsequently refused, unclaimed, or undeliverable, due to an act or omission committed by the party intended to receive said notice, shall be considered legally effective as of the initial date on which said notice was declined or determined undeliverable by the relevant postal authorities, messenger, email server, or overnight delivery service. 
    9. Communications are Not Private. Our establishment does not offer any means or infrastructure for the transmission or reception of private or confidential electronic communications. All communications conveyed to our organization shall be considered as readily accessible to the general public. It is imperative that you refrain from utilizing PackDraw as a means to convey any form of communication that is exclusively intended for your own perusal and that of the designated recipient. Please be advised that it is hereby stipulated that any and all communications inputted into the PackDraw platform shall be subject to scrutiny and perusal by the duly authorized agents and operators of PackDraw, irrespective of their intended addressees. 
    10. Authorization and Permission to Send Emails to You. You grant us the authority to transmit electronic correspondences, encompassing but not limited to emails, advertisements, and notifications, to your designated email address. The aforementioned authorization shall remain in effect until such time as you explicitly instruct us to exclude your person from our electronic mail registry. You acknowledge and consent that any unsolicited email communication received from us or our affiliates shall not be deemed as spam, as per the legal definition of said term. 
    11. Consideration. By virtue of your acquisition of specific paid features, we grant you the privilege to access and utilize PackDraw, the Services, and the Materials, subject to the limitations imposed. This grant is contingent upon your full compliance with all the stipulations outlined in these Terms of Service. You hereby acknowledge and affirm that the aforementioned consideration is deemed satisfactory and has been duly received upon your act of accessing or retrieving any segment of PackDraw. 
    12. Electronic Signatures. By utilizing the services provided by PackDraw, you hereby acknowledge and consent to the binding nature of any affirmation, assent, or agreement that you transmit through said platform. It is hereby acknowledged and affirmed that, upon your future act of clicking on a "I agree," "I consent," or any other similarly worded button, check Pack, or entry field, utilizing your mouse, keystroke, or any other computer device, your agreement or consent shall possess legal validity and be subject to enforcement, thereby constituting the legal equivalent of your handwritten signature. 
    13. English Language. The Terms of Service and the corresponding website policies have been meticulously drafted in the English language by our organization. I hereby affirm and acknowledge my representation of comprehension and agreement with the English language rendition of the Terms of Service in their currently published form. We hereby assert that we shall not bear any responsibility or legal obligation towards you or any other individual or entity for any financial or monetary burdens arising from the translation of these Terms of Service that are not applicable within the European Union. Should you elect to undertake the translation of these Terms of Service, it is imperative to acknowledge that such action is undertaken entirely at your own peril, for it is unequivocally established that only the English language rendition holds legal force and effect. 
    14. Export Control. You are fully cognizant and expressly recognize that the software components encompassed within the Materials on PackDraw may potentially fall under the purview of regulatory oversight by governmental entities, which impose restrictions on the exportation or diversion of software and other commodities to specific nations and third-party entities. The diversion of said Materials in contravention of the laws of the United States or international law is strictly prohibited. You shall refrain from providing aid or engaging in any form of involvement in any diversion or any other act that contravenes the prevailing laws and regulations. You, as the party in question, hereby affirm and guarantee that you shall refrain from granting any form of license or authorization to any individual or entity who has not been duly sanctioned or authorized to obtain controlled commodities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Furthermore, you pledge to strictly adhere to said laws and regulations in all respects. You hereby acknowledge and affirm that you are in full agreement that none of the aforementioned Materials shall be obtained, transported, conveyed, or re-exported, whether directly or indirectly, to countries that have been designated as proscribed or subject to embargo, nor shall they be made available to individuals who are citizens or nationals of said proscribed countries. Furthermore, you acknowledge and affirm that the Materials shall not be utilized for activities that have been deemed proscribed. 
    15. No Agency Relationship. No provision within these Terms of Service applicable to individuals shall be interpreted as, or deemed to establish, generate, imply, enforce, or otherwise acknowledge a partnership, employment relationship, joint venture, or formal business entity of any nature. The rights and responsibilities of the involved parties shall be confined solely to those explicitly stated within this document. 
    16. Usages. In these Terms of Service, the following usages will apply unless otherwise stated or the context indicates otherwise: References to a statute include the statute itself and any subsequent statutes, as well as all regulations issued under or implementing the statute, as they are in effect at the relevant time. When calculating periods from a specified date to a later specified date, the terms "from" and "commencing on" (and similar expressions) mean "from and including," while the terms "to," "until," and "ending on" (and similar expressions) mean "to but excluding." References to a governmental or quasi-governmental agency, authority, or instrumentality will also encompass any regulatory body that takes over the functions of the mentioned agency, authority, or instrumentality. "A or B" denotes "A or B or both." Similarly, "A, B, or C" implies "one or more of A, B, and C." This construction extends to longer sequences as well. The term "including" signifies "including, but not limited to." 
    17. No Waiver. Any waiver or action undertaken by our party shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent default of the same provision contained within these Terms of Service. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any term, clause, or provision contained herein is invalid or unenforceable, it is important to note that such invalidity shall not have any impact on the validity or effectiveness of any other term, clause, or provision. Furthermore, the term, clause, or provision that has been deemed invalid or unenforceable shall be considered as separate and distinct from these Terms of Service. 
    18. Headings The headings contained herein are provided solely for the purpose of convenience and shall not in any way alter, modify, or impact the interpretation, construction, or enforceability of these Terms of Service. 
    19. Other Jurisdictions/Foreign Law. We hereby declare that we do not assert or guarantee that PackDraw, the Services, or any of the Materials are suitable or accessible for utilization in alternative jurisdictions. Furthermore, we hereby state that accessing said entities from territories where their content may be deemed unlawful or otherwise forbidden is strictly prohibited. Individuals who elect to access PackDraw and avail themselves of the Services from said locations do so of their own volition and bear exclusive responsibility for ascertaining adherence to all pertinent local statutes. Nowhere within these Terms of Service shall any provision be construed as an acknowledgment that PackDraw is bound by the legislation of any jurisdiction other than the United States. 
    20. Service Not Available in Some Areas. You are hereby advised that you are bound by the statutes, regulations, ordinances, and other legal provisions of the state, province, city, country, or any other legal jurisdiction in which you currently maintain your residence or from which you gain access to the PackDraw platform. PackDraw is rendered null and void in jurisdictions where its operation is prohibited or subject to legal restrictions. In the event that you choose to initiate an account or engage in activities on PackDraw whilst situated within a jurisdiction that is expressly prohibited, it is imperative to acknowledge that such actions would contravene the laws of said jurisdiction as well as the stipulations outlined in these Terms of Service. Consequently, you may face the consequence of having your account
      suspended or terminated, without any prior notice being provided to you. By accepting these terms, you acknowledge and agree that PackDraw shall not be held accountable or subject to liability in the event that your participation is restricted or prohibited due to the application of laws that are relevant to you. PackDraw hereby disclaims any and all representations or warranties, whether implied or express, pertaining to your legal entitlement to engage in any Service provided on the PackDraw platform. Furthermore, it is explicitly stated that no individual associated with PackDraw, or purporting to be associated with PackDraw, possesses the authority to make any such representations or warranties. The undersigned hereby asserts and affirms the prerogative to impose limitations on the availability and accessibility of PackDraw within any given jurisdiction.

  15. Promotions

From time to time, PackDraw may offer special promotions, including sweepstakes and other promotions (collectively, “Sweepstakes”). For these Sweepstakes, NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. YOU HAVE NOT YET WON. ALL FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL, AND MUNICIPAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS APPLY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Sweepstakes will have dedicated terms and conditions accessible from the designated entry page. Specific details related to entry, prizing and other special terms for any specific sweepstakes promotion (“Rules”) will be posted.

Eligibility: Unless otherwise noted, the Sweepstakes will be open and offered only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States, including the District of Columbia, who are at least eighteen (18) years of age and have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry. Employees of PackDraw. and their immediate families (parent, child, sibling or spouse) and/or household members of respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, sales representatives, advertising and promotional agencies, and any other persons or entities associated with this promotion are not eligible to participate in the Sweepstakes. Entrants must have access to the Internet. The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, local, and municipal laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.

Sponsor: All Sweepstakes are sponsored by PackDraw (“Sponsor”).

Agreement to Official Rules: By participating, you agree to be fully unconditionally bound by the Rules, and you represent and warrant that you meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein. In addition, you agree to accept the decisions of Sponsor, as final and binding, and waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Sweepstakes or the Rules.

Sweepstakes Period: All Sweepstakes shall include a “start” and “end” date. All entries must be received during the specific dates and and times to be eligible to win, according to Sponsor’s time clock. The end time, unless otherwise noted, will always be 11:59PM, Eastern time (regardless of Daylight Savings Time), according to Sponsor’s internal time clock. Sponsor is not responsible for any misdirected or otherwise late entries.

How to Enter: The method of entry is specific to the Rules of the Sweepstakes. Unless otherwise noted, only one entry per natural person per Sweepstakes. Attempts to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations, and logins, or any other methods, will void that Entrant’s entries and Entrant may be disqualified. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. In the event of a dispute as to any registration, the authorized account holder of the email address used to register will be deemed to be the Entrant. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider, or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. Each potential winner may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder.

Sweepstakes Prize(s); Conditions: Upon confirmation of eligibility a winner will receive the prize(s) as set forth in the Sweepstakes. Approximate retail value (“ARV”) of the prize(s) will vary and will be specified in the Sweepstakes announcement. Prizes are non-transferable and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason.

Winning a prize may be a taxable event, depending upon the ARV and how many times you have won in a calendar year. Taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the winner(s), and winner(s) are free to reject a prize. If a winner accepts a prize that triggers a tax, the winner will be issued an IRS Form 1099 for the ARV of any awarded prize(s). All federal, state or other tax liabilities (including income taxes) arising from any Sweepstakes will be the sole responsibility of each winner who accepts a prize. Any and all other prize-related expenses associated with prize receipt and/or use, shall be the sole responsibility of the winner. Any prizes pictured in point-of-sale, online, television, and print advertising, in promotional packaging, and in other Sweepstakes materials may be for illustrative purposes only, and your prize may look different. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others. You may not request a cash equivalent. In some cases, the prize will be delivered as a coupon or electronic gift card for the ARV of the prize. All details and other restrictions of the prize(s) not specified in these Rules will be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Prize limits, if any, will be set forth in the Specific Promotion.

Odds: The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received before the Sweepstakes end date.

Winner Selection and Notification: You will be notified as specified in the Sweepstakes you entered. Sponsor’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Sweepstakes and the selection of the potential winner is final and binding in all matters related to the Sweepstakes. Within one (1) week following the end of the Sweepstakes period, Sponsor will select the number of potential winners set forth in the Sweepstakes in a random drawing of all valid entries received. The potential winners will be contacted by Sponsor. Potential winners will have a specified time period to respond and claim the prize. If no response is received within the time period, Sponsor may not award the prize. The potential winner may also be sent a declaration of eligibility / liability / publicity release (“Release”). Unless restricted by law, the potential winner will be required to complete and return the Release within a certain specified date from the date of notification. An alternate potential winner may be chosen selected from among the remaining eligible entries if the potential winner fails to provide all necessary documentation pursuant to the Rules or cannot accept or receive the prize for any reason, or is otherwise disqualified for any reason. The receipt by winner of the prize offered in this Sweepstakes is conditioned upon compliance with any and all federal and state laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY ANY WINNER (AT SPONSOR’S SOLE DISCRETION) WILL RESULT IN SUCH WINNER’S DISQUALIFICATION AS WINNER OF THE SWEEPSTAKES AND ALL PRIVILEGES AS WINNER WILL BE IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED. Prizes will be fulfilled as soon as reasonably possible after the conclusion of the Sweepstakes.

General Conditions:

Additional terms will be specific at the Sweepstakes announcement.